Eating with the seasons is the best way to enjoy local, fresh food. With supermarkets providing fruit and vegetables from around the world all year round, we can become accustomed to eating a wide variety of ingredients at all times.
Eating seasonal foods provided by vegetable box schemes, greengrocers, and local markets can make eating and cooking more interesting.
Eating seasonally makes you look forward to eating different food and relish the taste.
What can I make with rhubarb?
Rhubarb can be used in sweet and savoury dishes. It goes particularly well with mackerel and orange in a salad; roast the rhubarb with a bit of sugar for 15-20 minutes. It also works well in a chutney too.
If you have some gin or vodka in the cupboard, why not pop some chunks of rhubarb in a jar with some sugar and 500ml gin or vodka (300g rhubarb, 150g sugar)? Stir the jar each day for a few days, then leave it in a dark cupboard for up to 2 weeks. Strain the liquid and pour it into a bottle. Use the rhubarb in a chutney or crumble.
Recipe for a classic rhubarb crumble
You will need for the filling: 500g rhubarb and 75g sugar, topping: 120g self-raising flour, 90g butter, 60g sugar, 30g oats
Chop the rhubarb and cook it in a pan with a little water and about 75g sugar until it is soft (5-7 minutes).
Rub the flour and butter together to resemble breadcrumbs.
Add the oats and sugar and mix through.
Pour the rhubarb mix into a casserole dish and top with the crumble mix.
Pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180C until the topping is golden brown.
Do you struggle with how to incorporate seasonal vegetables into everyday meals? Would you like to learn some new and exciting dishes that use more vegetables?
Why not book a private lesson on your own or with a partner or friend and add enjoyment to your cooking!