Yes, you can cook Christmas dinner in an air fryer! It just takes a little planning, especially if for more than a couple of people.
Start with the item that takes the longest…. the turkey.

The chances are your air fryer will not take a complete turkey but a 1.5kg turkey crown will most likely fit (or a complete chicken up to 1.8kg). It will take about 60 minutes based on 200C.
Once the turkey/chicken is cooked and resting under foil the rest of the dinner can be cooked.
Roast potatoes take the next longest – about 40-45 minutes if completely raw or 30-35 if parboiled. Make sure potaotes are coted with oil, duck fat or lard for extra crunch.
Roasted vegetables such as parsnips, and carrots take about 15 minutes at 190C. Drizzle in a little oil and honey and a fresh herb such as thyme or rosemary.
Yorkshire puddings take about 15-17 minutes in small metal pudding basins.
Pigs in blankets, Brussels sprouts and stuffing balls also take 15 minutes in the air fryer.
Air fryers are great at reheating food so the potatoes could be pre-cooked the day before and would only take 15 minutes to reheat.
But what about the gravy?!
Well, this is one thing that will have to be made on the stove. Juices tend to stay within the meat so may have to rely on instant granules for flavour. Make it in advance and reheat is the simplest option.
More useful tips for making Christmas dinner
There are many ways to prepare for Christmas day, the freezer is most definitley your friend. Take a look at helpful ways to reduce spending time in the kitchen in the following blog post.