Here are some simple ways to save energy costs in the kitchen. With energy prices forever increasing savings can be made quite easily with a little thought.
Cooking equates to 13.8% of electricity demand in the home (Energy Savings Trust) and the following ideas can help reduce that in the kitchen.
1. Turn off the heat before food has fully cooked and leave it until cooked through.
2. Heat water in the kettle before transferring to a pan.
3. Cast iron retains heat so cooks well at a lower temperature.
4. Place the right sized pan on the electric ring.
5. Use a sieve as a steamer while cooking pasta, pop the lid on the top.
6. Keep heat in the pan by ensuring pan lid is on.
7. Use the right size pan to avoid over use of water.
8. Glass and ceramic are great for use in the oven for conducting heat.
9. Foil in the bottom of the oven relfect heat back in to the oven.
10. Keep oven and hob clean, fat absorbs heat and more enrgy is used.
11. Avoid opening the oven door while food cooking.
12. Allow food to cool before placing in the fridge or freezer.
13. Use a fridge thermometer to ensure it remains at 5C and no higher to reduce food going off.
14. When using the oven, make the most of the shelves and cook two dinners at once.
15. Choose energy efficient appliances when renewing them.
16. Dont leave appliances on standby.
17. Slice your food thinner so it cooks more quickly. Stir fry more often.
18. Place root vegetables in the microwave to cook before finishing off in the oven.
19. Cook double and reheat quickly or batch cook and freeze in portions.
20. Take ingredients out of the fridge 20 minutes before cooking.
21. Defrost ingredients before cooking to reduce cooking time.
22. Boil kettle once and fill up hot drinks flask to use for drinks during the day.
23. Heat food in a casserole dish and once boiling wrap in paper and blankets/duvet/sleeping pag. Acts like a slow cooker and cooks in retained heat.
24. Cook more than one meal at a time in the oven to make the most of oven shelves.
25. Consider the method of cooking:
800W Microwave cooking costs: 13p/day based on 10 minutes per day.
150W Slow cooker cooking costs: 32p/day based on 8 hours per day (also keeps kitchen warm).
1500W Electric hob cooking costs: 42p per day based on 60 minutes per day.
1500W Air Fryer / Multi cookers have shorter warm up and cooking times so saves money over conventional oven and hob.
3Kw Electric oven cooking costs: 99p per day based on 60 minutes.
*Based on 28p per kWh (excludes standard charge). Check your appliances to see how they are rated.
Other actions you can do with your ingredients to reduce your energy costs!

Find out how you can help the environment – take a look at some of my other blogs.
For more hints and tips on reducing your carbon footprint in the kitchen and eating a more sustainable diet book a bespoke private lesson with Anne Marie.
Talks and interactive remote cooking lessons can also be organised on Zoom or Teams for engaging virtual events for all sizes of organsiations. Get in touch to find out more.